Rotation Fifteen
Breathing - Choose best position
Rhythm - Students lead
Game 1 - Knee Impulse
Number of Players: 8 or more
Form a circle in a way that brings everyone's legs (knees) close to their neighbors. Everyone extends their arms out in front, palms facing down. Place your left hand on your left-side neighbor's knee, and your right hand on your right-side neighbor's knee. To start, one person taps one of their hands on a neighbor's knee to initiate a series of taps. The impulse travels from left to right in sequence of the group's knees. Your group aims to tap all knees in sequence around the circle as quickly as possible. Repeat several times, then reverse directions. Variations: Send the impulse in both directions at the same time, by simultaneously tapping your left and right neighbor's knees. The impulses will have to cross somewhere near the middle of the circle before returning to you. The impuse can be reversed by someone double tapping.
Game 2 - No Teeth
Number of Players: 2 or more
Everyone sits in a circle. From this point forward, you may not show your teeth. To speak, you pull your lips inward around your teeth to hide them.
One member starts by asking the person next to him or her, "Is Mrs. Mumble home?" The person responds, "I don't know - I'll have to ask my neighbor." "This keeps going around the circle. When someone's teeth show due to laughter, he or she is out.
Smiling is permitted provided the teeth don't show.
When asking or answering, contorting the facial muscles may be used to try to make the person next to you laugh.
When the group narrows to the strong ones, it's good to rearrange the sitting order to weed out any "closet laughers."
Game 3 - Skipping Rope
Number of Players: 2 or more
Use a wide-open space to give every person plenty of room to move. Ask everyone to bend down and pick up an (imaginary) skipping rope placed in front of them. By way of demonstration, step inside the rope and start rotating the rope over your body as if skipping, slowly at first, then increasing your pace. Invite your group to follow your lead, as you demonstrate a wide variety of skipping rope moves, one after another, example: turn rope as many times in one jump, turn rope backwards, double dutch, ect. Continue for 1-2 minutes, or until you or your group is exhausted. Variation: throw your rope to another person and keep the rope turning and jumping.
Game 4 - Fill the Space
Number of Players: 8 or more
Ask your group to spread evenly throughout a large, open area. Invite everyone to walk aimlessly and silently about the area. Loudly announce that you would like everyone to secretly identify one other person who is presently situated on the other side of the room. Each person aims to follow behind this 'secret' person as closely as possible, without being noticed. After 10-20 seconds, ask the group to resume their aimless mingling. Repeat the process with a new secret admirer, and/or introduce a variation. Variations: try to stay as far away from the secret person, try to maintain an equal distance, or try to make sure your admirer knows who you are.