Rotation Sixteen

Breathing - Choose the position that works best for your individual

Rhythm -  Student lead

Game 1 -  Pass the Chicken

Number of Players: Unlimited


Students sit in a circle. Choose one student to be "it." That student holds the chicken (or other objects).

The teacher or a student names a category. The student who is "it" passes the chicken to the right and quickly begins naming things that belong in the category. She must name five things in the category before the chicken makes it all the way around the circle and back to her.

Here are some examples of categories you might use: Vocabulary words; Fruits or vegetables, cereals, desserts, etc.; Musical instruments, bands or musical groups, songs; Things you do at school, on weekends, for fun, etc.; Cartoon characters, story characters, fairy tale characters; Animals in the jungle, in the sea, on a farm, etc.; Cities in our state; State, capitals; Famous people; Countries, rivers, mountains; Sports, sports teams; Things that ... grow, are around, are green, float, are you made of ....

If the student is able to name five items in the category, another student takes a turn being "it" and repeats the process with a new category. If the student can't name five things, she can have a second chance at bringing "it" with another category or she can ask another student to be "it."

Game 2 -  Hidey Ball

Number of Players: Unlimited


A guessing activity in which the leader tries to guess which player is hiding a softball or bean bag behind her back. Young players enjoy physical activity and the challenge of hiding something without giving it away.

Game 3 -  Spectrums

Number of Players:  8 or more


Establish an imaginary line that extends between two ends of a spectrum.  Pose a question or scenario inviting each person to consider their preferred response.  Invite people to stand along a line that best represents their preference.  Option:  have them share with people close to them. 

Examples:  leader or follower, cat or dog, sour or sweet, or work outdoors or indoors.


Rotation Fifteen