Rotation Four

Game 1 -  Hot Potato

Number of Players: 4 or more


All the players form a circle. A ball or some other object is passed around the circle. When the leader says "hot potato," the player who is holding the ball at that point becomes the first in a separate "potato callers" circle. From then on, the potato caller or callers decide among themselves on a number to count to. When they reach that number, they all yell "Hot potato!" The player with the ball at the moment joins the potato callers. Eventually everyone will have joined the callers circle

.Variations: Start with two circles, one sitting and another standing right behind it. Everyone in the standing circle is the partner of the person in front of him or her. The potato is passed around the seated circle. When the leader calls "Hot potato!" the player with the ball switches places with the standing partner. Or standing partner joins the seated partner in the inner circle.

Game 2 -  Mirrors and Shadows

Number of Players: 2 or more


That's what the wicked queen in the Snow Queen says.  Peter Pan lost his shadow, and Wendy had to sew it back on.  Let's play Mirrors and Shadows.  Choose partners for Mirrors and decide that one will be the mirror and must copy everything his or her partner does. The players must face one another, but they can be standing still or moving around, as long as they stay together in the "mirror" position. In Shadows, one player is behind his or her partner, following every move.  Mirrors and shadows as objects copy us; in this activity we copy a friend, which is much more fun.

Game 3 -  Alphabet Ball

Number of Players: 4 or more


Pass the ball around the circle. As each player passes it, he or she says a letter. Go through the alphabet this way.

Variation: Pass any object, from a shoe to a person. Say the letters together as a group. 

Cooperative Counting: Start counting, with each players saying a number in turn. Go as high as possible. Try to count in unison.

Breathing - Breath and hold for 5 seconds - do several rounds

Rhythm - Rhythm counting and counting with partner


Rotation Five


Rotation Three