Rotation Five

Game 1 -  Fruit Basket

Number of Players: 10 or more


The group sits in a circle on chairs, with one person standing in the middle.  Participants are equally divided between three fruits (such as apples, oranges, and pineapples).  When the middle person calls out a fruit (ex, “apples”) all the apples change chairs, including the middle person.  The person “out” becomes the next caller.  If a caller says “fruit basket” all players have to change chairs.

Game 2 -  Who's, Who

Number of Players: 10 or more


One player is chosen to sit in the front of the room facing a wall.  The leader walks around the room and chooses another player to be the owl. The owl says “Hoo, Hoo” They are allowed to try and disguise their voice.  The player in the front has three guesses to figure out who the owl is. The owl Hoo’s again between each guess if needed.  If they guess correctly, the owl becomes the player in the front of the room.

Game 3 -  Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Number of Players: 10 or more


Have everyone start with their heads down and eyes closed on their desks/tables.  Tap one person on the head (this person is the wolf).  Tell everyone else to decide if they are a dog, cat, or a chicken, and make sure that they don't tell anyone. Remind them that they must stay that animal for the entire round.  Now, when the leader says an animal, anyone who is that animal MUST switch to a new desk. Here is the catch, the wolf MUST SWITCH DESK EVERY TIME, REGARDLESS OF WHICH ANIMAL IS CALLED.  The object of the game is for people to figure out who is the wolf.  After a predetermined length of time, allow several people to make guesses about who is the wolf.

Breathing - Breath into belly. Hands at your side.

Rhythm - Rhythm counting and adding movements


Rotation Six


Rotation Four