Rotation Three

Game 1 -  Wave Stretch

Number of Players: 10 or more


People are to get into groups (between 6-8 people; you may also choose to form the groups) and form a large circle. They are to stand within the circle, crossing arms at the wrist. Next, they are to grasp hands with two different people across from them. People must now work together to try and untangle the knot without letting go of any hands. Once they have untangled themselves, and are still holding hands, encourage them to lean back, balancing their weight and try to sit down, then stand back up again as a group. As an added challenge, depending on age, grade or level of confidence, have each of the groups race.

Game 2 -  Red Elbow

Number of Players: 10 or more


This game involves the leader calling out a color and a body part. People must find an object in the room that is that color and then touch the selected body part to that object. For example, if the leader calls out pink thumb, then people need to find an object that is pink and touch it with their thumb. The leader continues calling colors and body parts.To make this into a game, people that are too slow in completing the instruction can be asked to sit down. The last person remaining is the winner.This gets people moving around the room and using all parts of their bodies, a great energizer.

Game 3 -  Categories

Number of Players: 8 or more


Start a beat (clap clap, clap, snap…) and pick a category.  The leader decides what the “beat” clap is for that round.  Each person around the circle needs to name something in a category on the beat.  The beat is whatever the leader decides.  If you say something off beat, repeat, or can't think of something in three minutes, you are out.

Breathing - Breath and hold 5 seconds

Rhythm - Math Counting (Multiples), Partner Counting


Rotation Four


Rotation Two