Rotation Two

Game 1 -  People to People (Start back to back) 

Number of Players: 8 or more


Everyone finds a partner and stands next to him or her. The leader stands in the middle and starts to sing the world's "people to people" over and over until everybody's singing along.  When everyone is really rocking to the beat, the leader changes the words to include a body part, such as a "knee to knee." At this time all the players touch knees with their partners.  Then the leader sings another body part, such as "nose to nose," and the partners touch noses.   The leader continues to sing out body parts, ending. finally with "people to people." At this time, all the players race to find a new partner, and the new leader is that one player who could not find one. If there is an even number of people playing, try this game with partner groups of more than two, with a new leader chosen randomly each time. The game continues as before, with the leader setting the pace.

Game 2 -  Ping Pong Ball

Game 3 -  Zoom

Number of Players: 10 or more


The person who begins the activity says, “zoom!” and turns his/her head quickly to a neighbor on either the right or left.  That person passes the zoom to the next person and so on around the circle. Challenge the group to go as fast as they can and then time them.

Game 4 - Rhythms

Breathing - 5-10 belly breaths and hold

Rhythm - Class Clap, counting, and rhythms


Rotation Three


Rotation One