Rotation One

Game 1 - Balls In a Bucket

Game 2 - Zoom

Number of Players - 10 or more


The person who begins the activity says, “zoom!” and turns his/her head quickly to a neighbor on either the right or left.  That person passes the zoom to the next person and so on around the circle. Challenge the group to go as fast as they can and then time them.

Game 3 - Pass the Koosh Ball Around the Circle

Game 4 - Categories

Number of Players - 8 or more


Start a beat (clap clap, clap, snap…) and pick a category.  The leader decides what the “beat” clap is for that round.  Each person around the circle needs to name something in a category on the beat.  The beat is whatever the leader decides.  If you say something off beat, repeat, or can't think of something in three minutes, you are out.

Breathing - 5 Belly Breaths

Rhythm - Class clap, Counting


Rotation Two