Rotation Seven
Game 1 - Pass the Mask
Number of Players: 10 or more
Pick a player from the circle to begin. The player who begins the activity makes a face, then “passes” that expression on to the next person in the circle. That person first imitates, then changes the first expression and passes the new expression on to the person, and so on around the circle.
Game 2 - Snowball
Number of Players: 10 or more
Everyone gets a scrap piece of paper and writes their name on it and crumbles it up into a ball (snowballs)
Separate the group into two teams
Divide the room in half by a line of masking tape
Two teams throw their snowballs at each other continuously for about 1-2 minutes
Team with the least amount of snowballs on their side after the leader says STOP, wins.
After the game is over, everyone has to grab a snowball, open it, and find the snowballs’ owner.
If you want to evolve it into a sharing activity, when players get their snowballs back they have to share a fun fact about themselves to the person who returned their snowball.
Game 3 - Ten Down
Number of Players: 6 or more
This is a game of strategy. The players begin standing in a circle. The first person chosen to go will say “1” or “1, 2”. The next person will follow with next number in sequence. So, if the first person had only said “1”, the second person in line would get to say “2” or “2, 3”. The pattern continues with each person getting to say one to two numbers.
Once someone say “10”, the next person in line would need to sit down. (Hence, ten down). It is important for players to use strategic game play when the numbers get higher, in order to see if they should be calling one or two numbers down to get a certain player out. The last person standing is the winner.
Breathing – Diaphragm, hands on side, lie on back
Rhythm - Rhythm and patterns