Rotation Nine

Game 1 -  Ten Down

Number of Players: Unlimited


This is a game of strategy. The objective is to avoid being the player standing next to the person who says 10. Each player can say one or two numbers.  Players should stand in a circle. The first player begins by counting to 1 or 2. The next player picks up where the first player left off. Example: If player one says, "1, 2," (a 'double') the next player starts with 3. This player can choose to say "3, 4" (another 'double') or just 3. Continue this around the circle.  The player standing next to the person who says 10 is out. This means players must be strategic about counting either by ones or doubles.

Game 2 -  Book Ping Pong

Number of Players:  Unlimited


Have students use a book or small whiteboard and try to bounce a ping pong ball as many times as possible using the book or whiteboard.  Modify it by passing to the partner, limiting the number of times one person hits the ball.  

Breathing - Breath with a book

Rhythm – Clapping and add a movement between claps


Rotation Ten


Rotation Eight