Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Lesson Plan

  • Honesty

  • Positive Self-Esteem

  • Group Dynamics

The students will practice honesty by only moving when it their turn. They will be patiently wait for their turn. They will practice group dynamics by being aware of everyone in the class to find the “wolf”. 

S.T.A.R. Options:

Class Clap, counting, and rhythms. Teacher or one student lead. When the whole class sounds as one, try tow, then three, etc…

Math Counting (Multiples) Partner Counting. Clapping as a group to desired number. Add a partner and alternate count. Change partners.

Play + Connect Activity

Players begin the game with their eyes closed and heads down on their desk or at a table. As leader, tap one person on the shoulder. This person will be the wolf. As leader, tell everyone to decide if they will be a dog, cat, or chicken for this round (players cannot change their animal mid-game.) Players should then open their eyes. Now, as leader, call out an animal (dog, cat, or chicken). The players who selected that animal must get up and switch spots with each other. Here’s the catch: the wolf gets up every time an animal is called and switches spots. Take turns guessing which player is the wolf. 

Breathing Exercise Options:

Belly Breathing

5 belly breaths with mouth closed and hands on belly. Goal is to get students to breathe through nose and use their diaphragm. There should be very little movement of the chest and the belly should move in and out. Can do several rounds of this activity.

Accordion Breathing

5 belly breaths with mouth closed and hands on sides of lower ribs. Goal is to get students to breathe through nose and use their diaphragm. There should be very little movement of the chest and the students should feel movement outward on the inhale. Can do several rounds of this activity.

Learn + Grow Activity

Have the students practice picking geometric shapes and they move when the number of sides matches their shape. Have the students pick a number and have them move when their number is the answer to a math fact problem. The students could also move by picking a letter sound and moving when the leader gives a word that begins with that sound. 

Reflect Activity

Did you help the game work by moving only when your animal was called? Were you able to accept the role in the game?


Choose more than one student to be the wolf. Surprise class by choosing no wolf for a game and see what happens. 

  • CASEL Traits:

  • Responsible Decision Making

  • Social Awareness