Ten Down Lesson Plan

  • Adaptability

  • Empathy

  • Listening

  • Positive Self-Esteem

The students will realize this is a game of chance so they will accept the rules and sit down when appropriate. The students will respect each other by being a good sport during the game and sharing positive comments. 

S.T.A.R. Options:

Class Clap, counting, and rhythms. Teacher or one student lead. When the whole class sounds as one, try tow, then three, etc…

Math Counting (Multiples) Partner Counting. Clapping as a group to desired number. Add a partner and alternate count. Change partners.

Play + Connect Activity

This is a game of strategy. The objective is to avoid being the player standing next to the person who says 10. Each player can say one or two numbers. Players should stand in a circle. The first player begins by counting to 1 or 2. The next player picks up where the first player left off. Example: If player one says, “1, 2,” (a ‘double’) the next player starts with 3. This player can choose to say “3, 4” (another ‘double’) or just 3. Continue this around the circle. The player standing next to the person who says 10 is out. This means players must be strategic about counting either by ones or doubles. 

Breathing Exercise Options:

Belly Breathing

5 belly breaths with mouth closed and hands on belly. Goal is to get students to breathe through nose and use their diaphragm. There should be very little movement of the chest and the belly should move in and out. Can do several rounds of this activity.

Accordion Breathing

5 belly breaths with mouth closed and hands on sides of lower ribs. Goal is to get students to breathe through nose and use their diaphragm. There should be very little movement of the chest and the students should feel movement outward on the inhale. Can do several rounds of this activity.

Learn + Grow Activity

You can count by any number like 2, 3, 4, etc. and when you hit a number 10 times that large you are out. You could work on spelling words and when you hit the end of the word someone is out. You could have the kids name something in a category like states and when you are the person to be tenth you would be out. 

Reflect Activity

How can you show sportsmanship when you are or someone else is eliminated in the game? What did you do so the group can hear the numbers? 


Count by two’s, three’s, four’s, etc...Try counting sequences backwards. 

  • CASEL Traits:

  • Responsible Decision Making

  • Self Management