Swatting Flies Lesson Plan

  • Honesty

  • Encouragement

  • Group Dynamics

  • Sensitivity to Others

The students will practice honesty by throwing objects from the designated spots. The group will have fun with each other by working with their teammates and encouraging them to do their best. 

S.T.A.R. Options:

Class Clap, counting, and rhythms. Teacher or one student lead. When the whole class sounds as one, try tow, then three, etc…

Math Counting (Multiples) Partner Counting. Clapping as a group to desired number. Add a partner and alternate count. Change partners.

Play + Connect Activity

Create a circle around a bucket or tub. Give 3-4 students noodles to prevent balls from going into the bucket. Give the rest of the students a certain amount of time to see how many balls they can make in a given period of time. 

Breathing Exercise Options:

Belly Breathing

5 belly breaths with mouth closed and hands on belly. Goal is to get students to breathe through nose and use their diaphragm. There should be very little movement of the chest and the belly should move in and out. Can do several rounds of this activity.

Accordion Breathing

5 belly breaths with mouth closed and hands on sides of lower ribs. Goal is to get students to breathe through nose and use their diaphragm. There should be very little movement of the chest and the students should feel movement outward on the inhale. Can do several rounds of this activity.

Learn + Grow Activity

Have the students count how many went into the bucket when they were a swatter. Then they could as a group create a fraction from the ones made to the total, change to a decimal, percent, and even graph their results. 

Reflect Activity

Were you able to follow the rules of the game with all the action happening? Is it important to take turns? How did you move around the space safely?


Change the times allowed. Change to only certain colors allowed to count for a score. 

  • CASEL Traits:

  • Self Management

  • Social Awareness