People to People Lesson Plan

  • Adaptability

  • Interpersonal Communication

  • Sensitivity to Others

The students will work on these traits by finding a new partner each turn and being aware the comfort of personal space. The students will use eye contact and other forms of communication to find a new partner. 

S.T.A.R. Options:

Class Clap, counting, and rhythms. Teacher or one student lead. When the whole class sounds as one, try tow, then three, etc…

Math Counting (Multiples) Partner Counting. Clapping as a group to desired number. Add a partner and alternate count. Change partners.

Play + Connect Activity

Form pairs, standing in a circle around you in the middle. Initiate a beat by clapping your hands, and invite your group to follow your lead for a few moments. Explain that during the beat, you will call the names of any two body parts, example “NOSE and ELBOW.” On this command, each person turns to their partner and touches one part of the announced anatomy to the other anatomical part belonging to their partner. Everyone repeats the names of the body parts as they keep the beat. Upon completing this task, everyone resumes their clapping, awaiting the next command. Continue this routine several times, until the command ‘PEOPLE TO PEOPLE’ is randomly called, at which point, everyone seeks a new partner. The person left without a partner, resumes the role of the person calling from the middle. Variation: students mingle until a command is given or have them create groups of three or four. 

Breathing Exercise Options:

Belly Breathing

5 belly breaths with mouth closed and hands on belly. Goal is to get students to breathe through nose and use their diaphragm. There should be very little movement of the chest and the belly should move in and out. Can do several rounds of this activity.

Accordion Breathing

5 belly breaths with mouth closed and hands on sides of lower ribs. Goal is to get students to breathe through nose and use their diaphragm. There should be very little movement of the chest and the students should feel movement outward on the inhale. Can do several rounds of this activity.

Learn + Grow Activity

When kids are partnered up, you could challenge them to answer a math fact problem or have the students ask each other a problem. Give them other problems connected to the curriculum, such as number of sides to a given object. They could also name the main characters, problem, or solution to a common story read. 

Reflect Activity

Are you able to work with everyone in the classroom? Were you more comfortable doing some actions with certain people?


Allow enough time to allow all to partner. Challenge students to come up with a new challenge to follow. 

  • CASEL Traits:

  • Social Awareness

  • Self Management

  • Relationship Skills