Rotation Nine
Game 1 - Greeting Around
Number of Players: Unlimited
Players repeat a simple chant while moving around in two concentric circles. At the end, of each chant, players pause to exchange a friendly greeting with the player in the front of them. This greeting provides a chance for players to greet - and be greeted by - many different group mates.
Players stand in a circle and count off by 2s.
The 2s step forward to form an inner circle.
Players in each circle hold hands with their neighbors (1s with 1s, 2s with 2s).
Each circle moves in a different direction while players say the following chant:
Round I go
Friendly I'll be
Round and round
What do I see?
I see a friend
Looking at me!
When the chant finishes, both circles stop moving and players releases their hands. The players in the inner circle (the 2s) turn around to face the players in the outer circle (the 1s).
Players in the inner circle greet the player they are facing in the outer circle and vice versa.
Players hold hands again (1s with 1s and 2s with 2s), move around in a circle, and repeat the chant. The process continues for five or six rounds.
Game 2 - Where’s My Chicken
Number of Players: Unlimited
A fast-moving activity that involves counting and passing a rubber chicken around the circle. A low stress activity that helps release tension. Players can play several rounds in five minutes.
Players sit in a circle and choose one player to be "it." That player steps out of the circle but stays close and stands with her back to the circle.
The player who is "it" begins counting to any number over fifteen and doesn't tell the group to what number she is counting. The players begin passing the chicken very quickly around the circle as soon as the player who is "it" begins counting.
When the player who is "it" reaches her chosen number, she shouts, "Chicken!"
When players hear "Chicken!" they stop passing it and whoever is holding the chicken is now "it." The first player rejoins the circle.
Game 3 - Beach Ball Relays/Passing
Breathing - Breath with a book
Rhythm – Clapping and add a movement between claps