Rotation Thirteen

Game 1 -  Human Protractor

Number of Players: Unlimited


Begin with everyone standing, arms stretched up in the air. Then have the group touch their toes. Tell the children they're going to straighten up gradually, keeping their arms straight out in front of their bodies. At the same time, you'll be calling numbers between 1 and 20. When you reach 20, the children's arms will again be straight up in the air. Tell the children to try to remember where their hands and arms are for each number.

 Now randomly call out numbers between 1 and 20 as the children raise their bodies to roughly the same position they used for each number the first time though.

 When the children are confident with the activity, invite one of them to lead it.

 Variations: Vary the numbers used or the digits or math programs you call out.  You can use any number range for your human protractor - 1 through 10, 1 through 20, 1 through 100 (count by tens for this one), or even 1 through 180, like a real protractor.

 Incorporate math problems. For example, call out a simple addition: 7 + 7. After the group has assumed the number position, ask one child for the answer and then have the group repeat it.

 For more challenging math problems, such as 3 x 24, or the square root of 81, or 3/4 + 1/2, have children pair up and agree on their answer before assuming the number position.

 Note: If you decide to do math problems, remember energizers are intended to be playful and fun, so don't get too caught up in the problem-solving process. Be sure to include easy problems or call out plain old numbers in between the problems.

 Game 2 -  Quick Shuffle

Number of Players: 10 or more


Seven people stand in one line, side by side, facing the rest of the group.  Observe these seven people for ten seconds.  Instruct the 'looking group' to close their eyes.  Ask the seven people to shuffle their positions.  Upon re-opening their eyes, challenge the 'looking' group to re-shuffle the seven people back to their original positions.  Swap roles, and repeat several times.  Variations:  for larger groups, create several sets of seven, with matching groups of two or three people trying to do the re-shuffling.  Moving only one person at a time, record how many moves it takes for the looking group to correctly re-shuffle the line.  

Game 3 -  Freeze Frame

Number of Players: 10 or more


Ask your group to spread themselves evenly throughout a large area.  Invite everyone to walk aimlessly and silently about the area.  After approximately 10 seconds has elapsed, any one or more individuals may choose to freeze and stop walking.  Anyone who spots another person who has frozen is invited to freeze immediately too.  Time how long it takes for the whole group to freeze, example from the moment the first person freezes to the last.  Aim to record the quickest time to freeze the whole group.  Allow many rounds, inviting the group to improve their performance.  

Breathing – Review: Breathe in through nose and out

Rhythm – Clap with Partner


Rotation Fourteen


Rotation Twelve