Rotation Two

Game 1 -  Get the Point

Number of Players: 6 or more


All players should stand in a circle.

As leader, tell the players to raise their right hand, palm up.

Next, players should put their pointer finger of their left hand in the palm of the person to their left.

When the leader says, "Go!" players must try to catch their neighbor's finger in their right palm without letting their left finger get caught.

Try this activity a few times and then switch hands. Then switch positions in the circle.

Game 2 -  Ping Pong Ball Games

Game 3 -  Rock, Paper, Scissors (sit, kneel stand)

Number of Players: 10 or more


The person who begins the activity says, “zoom!” and turns his/her head quickly to a neighbor on either the right or left.  That person passes the zoom to the next person and so on around the circle. Challenge the group to go as fast as they can and then time them.

Game 4 – Make Train

Number of Players: 8 or more


Divide the playing area in half with a line down the middle and two safety zones on either end. There are two teams. Each team should huddle behind the center line on their side of the playing area and together decide what signal, from rock, paper, or scissors, they will use. Reminder: Rock smashes scissors; scissors cuts paper; paper covers rock. When teams have chosen their sign they should approach the center line, and on the count of three yell, "Rock, paper, scissors!" and then display their team's signal. The winning team must chase the other players back to their safety area. Players who are tagged before returning to the safety area must join the other team. The game continues like this. If both teams use the same signal, teammates must return to their huddle and choose another one.

VARIATION: Use other signals instead of the traditional rock, paper, scissors, and combine them with movements and sounds. Example: Holding up two fingers while jumping and yelling "Hooray!" The signals can be anything you choose, but make sure everyone knows what they mean before the game starts.

VARIATION: There are two teams. Each team should decide in secret which signal to use. Then, they line up opposite the other team, nose to nose, toes to toes. The leader yells, "Turn!" and players turn 180 degrees so that teams are back to back.

The leader counts to three, and on "three" players turn around and display their team's signal.

The objective is for both teams to display the same signal. If they're different, teams must huddle once again and choose a different signal. In this version, everyone is a winner!

Breathing - 5-10 belly breaths and hold

Rhythm - Class Clap, counting, and rhythms


Rotation Three


Rotation One