Rotation Eleven

Game 1 -  Marshmallow Toss

Number of Players: 2 or more


Write a number between 1 - 3 in the bottom of each cup.  Place the cups in a circle in the center of the group.  Each person is given 6-8 marshmallows.  The players step back at least 3 steps. (Mark line/circle with tape to stand behind.)  Each player takes a turn tossing marshmallows toward cups.  Count up the points when everyone has tossed their marshmallows.  Can add up points to identify winner.

Game 2 -  Lap Game

Number of Players: 10 or more


All the players stand in a circle, facing in. The leader then says "Right" or "Left," and every player takes a ninety-degree turn in that direction, to end up facing the next one's back.


At the signal of "On your knees, please" everyone bends knees, making a lap, and sits on the lap of the player in back of him or her.  If done properly, the circle will support itself.  It might be a bit tough if your players are of varying heights, but falling down is fun, too.


Then the circle stands again, faces in the other direction, and sits this time on the other neighbor's lap. Also, the entire circle of players could spread their arms and be airplanes, each leaning way back on the next player. Be sure that all the players are close together for this game.

Game 3 -  Frozen Bean Bag

Number of Players: 10 or more


All the players balance on a bean bag on their heads and move around the play area. If the bean bag falls off, the player is frozen and cannot move. To be defrosted, another player must pick up the fallen bean bag and place it back on top of the player's head, while keeping the bean bag on his or her own head. If it falls off while the player is attempting to help a friend, the helpful player is frozen and the player he or she is trying to help remains frozen.

Breathing – Breath Review explaining the importance

Rhythm – Clap in Sequences and movement


Rotation Twelve


Rotation Ten