Rotation Fifteen
Breathing - Student choice of position that works for them.
Rhythm - Students lead
Focus: Work as a team
Game 1 - Count Off
Number of Players: 8 or more
Assemble your group within hearing range of one another. Group aims to count from one to twenty, with three conditions: Each person is entitled to count only one number at a time; Any time two or more people call out a number at the same time, the count returns to zero; and No pattern, sequence or directions may be given to indicate whose is next. Start calling "ONE" yourself, inviting the group to respond. Allow as many attempts over the course of 1 to 2 minutes, or until interest begins to wane. Variations: Close their eyes as they count during the activity or choose a list to recite, such as the alphabet, tables, months of the year, and numbers (example: counting by seven).
Game 2 - Watch It
Number of Players: Unlimited
Students stand in a circle and count off by 2s. The 1s will be throwing a ball to the 1s while the 2s throw another ball to the 2s.
Students always toss the ball to the student who is one away from them, skipping the student immediately beside them. As they toss the ball, they say "Watch it!" and make eye contact with the student they are throwing the ball to. The student in between the two who are tossing and catching the ball needs to duck out of the way.
The 1s start tossing the first ball. Then the 2s start a second ball in the same direction as the 1s. The goal is to have both balls come back to the first student who threw it.
After the first round, discuss successful strategies for getting out of the way and any issues of safety.
Variations: Once students master safely passing the ball all the way around the circle with two balls, you can add more balls (an even number).
Students can pass two (or more) balls in opposite directions.
Students might enjoy inventing variations.
Game 3 - Quick Shuffle
Number of Players: 8 or more
Seven people stand in one line, side by side, facing the rest of the group. Observe these seven people for ten seconds. Instruct the 'looking group' to close their eyes. Ask the seven people to shuffle their positions. Upon re-opening their eyes, challenge the 'looking group to reshuffle the seven people back to their original positions. Swap roles, and repeat several times.
Variations: For larger groups, create several sets of seven, with matching groups of two or three people trying to do the re-shuffling. Moving only one person at a time, record how many moves it takes for the looking group to correctly reshuffle the line.
Game 4 - Toe Tag/Ninja
Number of Players: 2 or more
Form into pairs. Start by standing back to back with your partner. On "GO'' each person spins around to face their partner and attempts to 'tag' the other's toes. A person scores a point for being the first to make a successful tag. Play several rounds, first to earn three points wins. Variations: Start facing your partner and holding hands or form groups of four or five. Each person attempts to tag the foot of the person to their left and right.