Rotation Thirteen
Game 1 - Second Look
Number of Players: Unlimited
Ask the participants to sit in the circle.
Ask for 3 - 4 volunteers who will be the first observers.
Ask the observers to stand in the center of the circle and to spend approximately one minute looking at various members of the group.
The observers will then leave the room, while the group all makes a particular change, either in the way they had their knees crossed, their arms crossed, buttons buttoned, but the initial change will be for the entire group.
The volunteers come back and stand in the circle and attempt to locate the change that the group made. They have a maximum of three guesses. Once they are able to guess what change took place, then they select someone to exchange places with, and four more observers stand in the center.
After three to four times of the group making a change, the next level of difficulty is for the observers to go out and only four people in the group make a change. Therefore, the observing time is critical.
The observers return, trying to locate the four people who made a specific change. At this point, the four members may either make the same kind of change or the four members may each make a different change from the other member.
After three times in this fashion, reverse the process, by having the volunteers go out of the room and make a change on themselves, and return to the center, with the group identifying what the change was. Whoever is able to identify the change first, exchanges with the person in the center.
Game 2 - The Squeeze
Number of Players: Unlimited
Players mingle in the center of the circle and offer handshake greetings to as many groupmates as possible. Meanwhile, two players, secretly chosen by the teacher, offer an extra squeeze with their handshakes. Groupmates are challenged to figure out the identity of the secret squeezers. After players master the basic activity, variations can add an extra challenge.
Students stand or sit in a circle and close their eyes. The teacher walks around the circle and secretly taps two students who will become the "squeezers."
Students open their eyes. All students then mix and mingle, greeting others with a handshake and a friendly hello at random.
The "squeezers" randomly use a gentle double squeeze in their handshake with some of the students as they greet them. When a student's hand has been double squeezed, that student kneels on the floor. After four or five students are kneeling, stop the activity and ask if anyone wants to guess the identify of the squeezers.
The students who are still standing raise their hands to make a guess. If a student guesses incorrectly, that student also kneels.
After the "squeezers" are discovered, new "squeezers" can be chosen for another round.
Variations: To increase the challenge, students who have been "squeezed" can silently count to three before kneeling down.
Students can use other signals to show they have been "squeezed" - holding up a hand, crossing their arms, calling out "Squeezed!" etc.
Student can use a wink, a nod, etc., instead of a squeeze.
Breathing – Review: Breathe in through nose and out
Rhythm – Clap with Partner